Midnight Miracle

In the stillness of night, a desperate WhatsApp message sent at 1:14am marked the start of a conversation that would save a man’s life. 

Fabrício*, an atheist from Brazil, was in despair and contemplated suicide. He had battled with a severe drug addiction for a long time, and in his anguish, he searched for answers on social media. 

He came across a video on YouTube that challenged him to click on a link that would connect him via WhatsApp with someone who could explain the hope that can only be found in Jesus.

‘HELP’, he wrote.

Adenildo, a pastor from the countryside of São José dos Campos, was awake and immediately responded. He understood the critical nature of this cry for help, and treated it with the utmost importance.

Over the next few hours, he gave Fabrício reasons to hold on to life and told him about God’s unconditional love. 

Their conversation continued until 3am, with Adenildo providing emotional support and urging Fabrício to seek professional help.

CV teams around the world have heard many similar stories over the years. Like Fabrício, people often struggle, lose faith, and face their darkest moments in the silence of night.

The YouTube clip that Fabrício viewed was part of CV’s ‘Middle of the Night’ campaign which featured a powerful video that impacted many people.

The campaign was designed to reach people during their most vulnerable moments, providing hope through targeted digital content.

The video has reached thousands globally, but that night, it was about reaching just one.

The midnight conversation between the two men was more than just a talk – it was a lifeline. It brought Fabrício back from the edge and started him on his journey toward healing. 

He decided against taking his own life that night, a decision that opened the door to ongoing support and potential recovery. 

For Adenildo, the experience reinforced his belief in the impact of his digital evangelism ministry, and the importance of being available to respond to those in desperate need.

In Brazil, the social media engagement on this video was substantial with more than 23,000 messages received. This led to numerous people like Fabrício finding their way to church, or being open to hearing about Jesus.

The video is available through CV Resources in multiple languages. Just log in, and search ‘Middle of the Night’ to download and share. 


*Name has been changed.


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