0:02 / 49:52 • Intro How to Share Jesus Without Fear – yesHeis Podcast Ep16

Our mission at yesHEis is to empower and equip Christians with the necessary resources, training, and tools to effectively share the gospel with their sphere of influence in a personal and meaningful way. In today’s podcast episode, we're exploring challenges many of us face as Christians while sharing Jesus. Here are some of the theme’s of our conversation: - Biggest Barrier to Sharing Jesus: This episode we focus on what gets in the way of the of Sharing Jesus with people you know. It’s such a common experience for Christians, let’s chat about it! - Tim’s & Mark’s Barrier: Tim and Mark share their stories, shedding light on their personal challenges when speaking about Jesus with others. - Why Do People Change Their Mind About Jesus?: Ever thought about why some turn to Jesus after years of doubt? We discuss the big moments that change people's minds and bring them closer to Him backed by research. - Listening to the Holy Spirit: It's more than just repeating scriptures. We chat about how crucial it is to tune into the Holy Spirit, letting its guidance shape our chats about Jesus. - Top Questions About Sharing Your Faith: Together, we're addressing those big questions on sharing faith, aiming to make things clearer. - Understanding Where Others Are At: Often we can assume that people don’t want to hear about Jesus but it’s important to stay open minded, you never know who’s life you will change just by sharing him with others. - Sharing Faith without Arguments: Want to share without clashing with others? We've got advice to help you talk about Jesus with respect. - Sharing Jesus, Even When It's Hard: Sometimes, our hearts hesitate. There are difficult moments in life that make us shy away from sharing with those who need our forgiveness. We dive into ways to find the courage to talk about Jesus, even in those circumstances. - Just Share Jesus: We highlight the beauty of simply sharing Jesus's love. No fancy methods, just genuine, heartfelt chats about Him. Did you enjoy our conversation? Whether you've known Jesus your whole life or you're just getting to know Him, we are here to support you to share Jesus with the world. Help us in our mission of helping the world know Jesus. Like, share, and subscribe for more conversations like this!