We used a storytelling framework when filming 'Paul's story'. Watch the video through the eyes of a non-believer. Do you think it will resonate with them? If so, why?
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Have you ever finished watching a video and were left thinking that it was a complete waste of your time? Maybe it didn’t make sense, felt unorganised, and in the end you had more questions than answers.
On the other hand, we can all remember the videos that had us glued to the screen and emotionally invested. But why? Most likely it wasn’t just the visual effects or the music alone…it was simply good storytelling.
Your favourite movies, novels, and even this very article all have one thing in common: they’re using a framework for storytelling called the ‘Hero's Journey’. This same framework can be used to create effective testimonial videos aimed at evangelism!
Above any skill within the film industry the art of storytelling is the most important. We’ve likely all heard the scripture "...out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks" (Luke 6:43-45). In the Hero’s Journey, the story is the heart, the overflow is everything that brings the story together such as music, editing, titles, video, audio, and more. The mouth is the message, the emotion, and the undertones that come across. But one of the most important things to remember in telling a story is in having a relatable problem.
Tim Doecke : Content Manager (CV Australia)Having a relatable problem is so important. We get distracted by the functionality of the salvation moment that we fail to articulate the journey that the heart was going on.
When making a testimonial video, having a framework for good storytelling is crucial. This is especially true when trying to reach people who don't know Jesus. We have to assume they know nothing about Christianity and create the video with empathy and compassion, seeing the testimony through their eyes.
We used a storytelling framework when filming 'Paul's story'. Watch the video through the eyes of a non-believer. Do you think it will resonate with them? If so, why?
Using the basic framework of the Hero’s Journey, let's break down Paul's Story and see what made it work so well. Generally, a great testimonial video should follow these points, but feel free to adapt this information according to the type of story you’re working with.
Learn more about which words to use in order to connect with those who need Jesus, read this article. ↴
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As was evident throughout Jesus' ministry, storytelling is a beautiful and captivating way to share the gospel. That same effective method for evangelism can be used today through the sharing of testimony videos.
The big picture for good storytelling is clear: people need Jesus, and well-done testimony videos can help spark a journey for those who are lost. As Christians, we know there is a gaping hole in the heart of every person. The only one who can fill that gap is Jesus, and emotion within a story can be used to lead people to Him. While framework and structure are vital, we cannot forget the importance of what emotional impact can do in our stories.
Here’s what a few people from across CV have to say about emotional storytelling:
"Emotional engagement is crucial...stories with multiple layers and background details tend to captivate audiences more effectively."
Jonatas Pontes : Content Manager (CV Brazil)
"In Latin America something that works well is having all the emotional components. It would need a good narration without being extremely long and boring. But definitely, it needs to be an open letter from the person to the people they're sharing their testimony with."
Yiyi Zapata : Content Manager (CV Latin America)
"Authenticity and relatability are what creates a captivating testimony. Genuine emotion is pivotal and of course it should be well structured. Pacing plays a massive role...keep it tight yet emotionally strong. Don't waste time dwelling on a specific section too long. The use of color makes a world of difference. The use of voice or actors - the more authentic, the more engaging it will be."
Falonee Naidoo : Content Manager (CV South Africa)
Take a look at how we helped one church produce an impactful testimonial video.
Now that you have watched our example testimony, read through the framework, and peeked behind the curtain of the makings of Paul's Story and our journey following a church in helping them produce a testimonial video - where do you begin?
There's plenty of "Only God" stories out there. They're just waiting to be told!