Motivated by a money-centered lifestyle, Luke dealt drugs from an early age. When a close friend was murdered, he was faced with having to make the biggest decision of his life.
Free testimony video downloads: browse our extensive library

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One of the easiest and most effective ways to share your faith is by sharing a testimony. At CV, we generate many testimony videos, and we want to provide them to you for use in your own evangelistic efforts.
In this article, you can browse through a variety of testimonial videos that we've found to be impactful for people interested in hearing more about Jesus. Feel free to download or share them!
Freedom From Substance Abuse or Addictions
Lost and Found ⌃
Powerlifting for 30 Years ⌃
Arthur's Story
Arthur competed as a successful powerlifter for 30 years. He had everything you could want in life, until a cocaine addiction and an adulterous affair blew his family and life apart.
Freedom from Pornography ⌃
Jack's Story
Pornography can have a strong hold over people, bringing about shame and hurt in many ways. After a long struggle, Jack found one thing that finally gave him freedom from his addiction.
That Dark Place ⌃
Nathan's Story
After years of depression and a failed suicide attempt, Nathan found the hope he needed in a place he least expected.
Child Loss or Infertility
Far Beyond the Waves ⌃
Charlotte's Story
This is the story of every expectant couple’s greatest fear. A story told bravely and vulnerably by Charlotte, who shares where she found her strength in the very darkest of times.
Waiting on a Miracle ⌃
Adelaide's Story
'Adelaide' is a powerful story of one couple's journey from fertility issues to a problem pregnancy and how to choose joy in the midst of trial. It is beautiful, honest and deeply moving.
From Grief to Joy ⌃
Matt's Story
God doesn’t promise that life will be easy, but He does promise that He’ll carry us through it and that His plans for us are filled with hope. A couple share their journey from grief to joy. “I will turn their mourning into joy. I will comfort them and exchange their sorrow for rejoicing.” - Jer 31:13
Grief and Forgiveness
The Father Forgives ⌃
Fernando's Story
Fernando and his wife, Elizabeth, miss their daughter greatly. The pain and hurt will sometimes reappear, but ultimately, they have found peace through forgiveness. They find comfort knowing their daughter is now with God, they miss her, but are also thankful for their new son.
Childhood Trauma and Abuse
Abused as a child ⌃
Margaret's Story
From the age of three, Margaret McGuckin was regularly verbally and physically abused at a children’s home in Northern Ireland, until she was told by one of the nuns she had to leave aged just eleven. This is Margaret’s astonishing, transformational story of how she went from being an angry young woman in prison, to be the leader of a charity set up to give a voice to victims of historic abuse in Northern Ireland.
A Family Reunited ⌃
Katrina's Story
People need to know that Jesus made something beautiful with my life. If He did that with my life. If He did that with my mom and my family. He can do it with anyone.
Decisions and Turning Points
From The Streets To The Stage ⌃
Isaac's Story
From the streets to the stage. Guvna B, (Isaac Borquaye) a UK-based urban contemporary gospel rap artist and songwriter tells his story about a choice that changed his life.
Escaped from the Occult ⌃
John's Story
John thought he was in control of the power he experienced when dabbling in the occult. However, this power took on evil consequences when he tried to break free from it on his own, until he experienced a higher power, which set him free forever.
A Mother's Rejection ⌃
Kim's Story
"Kim's Story" was one of our most well received testimonial videos.
In response to her mother's rejection as a child, Kim became disillusioned with life and went into a downward spiral. The feeling of not belonging haunted her and she struggled to find healing. This video chronicles how she found hope in the hardest of places.
Interested in creating and sharing your own testimony videos?

Featured Article
A guide: creating and sharing testimony videos
As was evident throughout Jesus' ministry, storytelling is a beautiful and captivating way to share the gospel. That same effective method for evangelism can be used today through the sharing of testimony videos.
Behind the Lens: Filming and Advertising a Testimony Video
Follow filmmaker Tom Harmer as he creates a powerful testimony video for Life Church in Bradford. Paul's story spreads the message of God's goodness, inspiring faith across the community. See how this church used a testimony video to spread the gospel message online with targeted advertising!