East Timor - 1999

Crowd of diverse children and adults gathered outdoors, holding a globe amid a vibrant green landscape.

A Spirit-led endeavour

East Timor

East Timor

As Christians, a reliance on the leading of the Holy Spirit is a key part of daily life, and it was the Holy Spirit who CV’s founder, Bob Edmiston, believed spoke to him in a dream sparking the launch of a new endeavour in 1999. This dream led Bob to have the CV team begin to look into East Timor, in Indonesia.

Despite the chaos, and believing that Bob’s dream was a direct instruction from the Holy Spirit, CV began to make connections with local Christians. It was on these visits they learned that Timor had been a former Portuguese colony. This presented an opportunity to bring in a team of native Portuguese-speaking Brazilians who had been a part of previous CV projects in Mozambique and Angola. 

Through the arrival of about 30 Brazilians, churches were planted and buildings used to reach the communities through a variety of activities including pre-school children’s clubs, Portuguese language classes, computer skill teachings, and more. In addition, an FM radio station was built in the centre of the nation’s capital, expanding the reach of the gospel across the grief-stricken nation. Gradually, trust was built and relationships strengthened, and as the churches and communities grew, miracles and displays of God’s power were evident through it all.